Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tips for a Better Looking Website

The look and feel of a business' website can be a make or break it point in the eyes of many potential customers. You don't have to be a tech-savvy person to understand when a website is bad. So in order to give your business' website a more professional appearance, here are 5 quick tips.

1. Keep it clean and clutter free.
We have all been surprised, more than once, at the amount of information that is spilled out on many webpages. Especially with the movement towards mobile, websites need to cut down on the clutter. This can be really annoying for regular users of sites, who know exactly what they are looking for and don't want to have to sift through meaningless clutter to find it.

2. Do Some Web Recon.
This is simple. Taking a look at other websites, especially big company's sites, can teach you a lot about good practices and what a professional appearance consists of.

3. Put visual hierarchy to use.
Speaking of research, it only takes a moment to learn where a user's eyes typically maneuver around a website. Take advantage of this trend by placing your content and links accordingly.

4. Make your text easy to read.
My biggest pet peeve is when a website will place light colored text on a bright background, or vice versa. No one is going to enjoy your website's colorful theme if they cant read what it says.

5. Get the most out of the mobile version of your website.
As I touched on earlier, this is increasingly important in today's world. More and more people are accessing websites from their mobile devices, and depending on your websites content, some may be using mobile almost entirely for access.

(Source:5 Web Design Tips for a Professional Site)

A great example of a well executed website, as always, is Apple. What do you expect from industry leading tech geniuses? Apple's website, seen here, is well crafted, with a clean appearance, no needless clutter, and a logical arrangement of content. Apple also has a great mobile site that doesn't compromise on the professional appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Great first post! I like how you pointed out that you don't need to be a computer or blogging genius to see what looks good. I feel like not only is the look important but having the content to match it is even more so.
